The Healing Effects Of Reiki

Reiki has long been an effective healing technique used by practitioners to lessen stress and tension on the mind and body. To move a person toward his or her centered, balanced body, mind, and spirit, Reiki can encourage the body’s healing mechanisms to function more effectively.

How Reiki Helps Release Tension

Reiki encourages natural healing through the reduction of stress and tension in the body. Research has shown that Reiki can lower the heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones while supporting a healthy immune system. While there is evidence of these positive effects, only broad theories about what causes these pathways of healing are known.

The longstanding belief is that the rapid multileveled response that Reiki produces is a complex process. This encourages the body’s systems to simultaneously or quickly, shifting the “fight or flight” response associated with stress to a relaxation response. Reiki supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms that can take place without the burden of mitigating tension by moving the stress response.

A significant part of Reiki’s multileveled rapid response process affects the sub-physical level of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing, also referred to as the biofield.

Reiki’s Vibrational Power

For thousands of years, traditional, indigenous, and Eastern medical systems have recognized that a balanced biofield is the foundation of health and wellness. When the biofield becomes unbalanced or is disrupted, the body is susceptible to illness. Reiki is believed to offer a therapeutic vibration that brings balance to a disrupted biofield by increasing coherence and decreasing dissonance in the system.

Energy Transfer

Reiki practitioners use their hands to carry the energetic vibrations of the recipient’s wellness. This action creates an awareness in the recipient of the wellness that exists deep within him or her as the focus is directed toward healing. In this manner, Reiki connects the practitioner with an inner source of peace that transfers to the recipient, reducing tension and the fight or flight biological response to stress.

Reiki As A Therapy

Reiki is akin to meditation, which sets it apart from other energy therapies such as shiatsu. Most energy therapies use techniques to target specific corrections that need to be made, whereas Reiki practitioners do not diagnose or deliberately reorganize the biofield.

Instead, Reiki is exceptionally passive in practice, making it appropriate for any person who seeks to remediate the adverse effects of stress on the body, mind, and spirit.