Practicing Meditation For Stress Relief

Practicing Meditation For Stress Relief

This year has been one that has created stress for almost everyone. With uncertainty around every corner, the threat to health and safety, and financial implications, stress is at its an all-time high. While a certain amount of stress is normal, we are experiencing unprecedented times which leads to unchecked stress levels. Ongoing stress can lead to much more harmful mental and physical conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and weight fluctuations, which can all have negative effects on our body. One of the best strategies that we can employ when combating stress is that of meditation.

Practice Of Meditation

It is common for people to hear the word meditation and think of Tibetan monks sitting still in the dark for days on end chanting mantras in unfamiliar tongues. While this is a form of meditation, what many people don’t realize is that there are many different types, most of which are really simple and easy to practice. Meditation is a practice where an individual attempts to focus their mind in order to gain mindfulness and awareness. This can be done anywhere in the world with no external tools needed.

Alleviating Stress & Anxiety

Meditation brings many positive benefits for the individual practicing it. The first major benefit is that it controls anxiety. Studies have shown that when people regularly practice mindful meditation, they report feeling less stress and higher levels of relaxation. Less stress equals less anxiety.  Studies have even found that meditation helps to alleviate some anxiety disorders and ease their symptoms, and some researchers go as far as to say it can cure anxiety altogether.

Increasing Self Awareness

Meditation can also strengthen your self-awareness. Self-awareness is simply a better understanding of yourself and the environment around you. Strong self-awareness can help you to grow as a person and learn to see the world for what it really is, instead of assumptions that you make up in your mind. Finding your truth and your reality is helpful in being able to successfully remediate problems and blockages that may exist in your life.

Boosting Positive Mental Health

Meditation has also been proven to be beneficial for your mental health, as it helps to erase toxic traits buried deep in your subconscious, such as low self-esteem and intense self-criticism. Meditation can also help you to combat feelings of loneliness, as you learn that you’re never truly alone because all things are connected.

Strengthening Focus & Memory

Finally, meditation can help your focus and improve your memory. Research has shown that meditation can help to increase your attention span and helps aid with short term memory, as well as long term memory recollection. Gaining control over your own mind and your ability to retain information helps increase confidence and allows you to use your brain to solve problems in a constructive manner.

Seeking Assistance

Meditation is a form of stress reduction that anyone can practice by themselves in the comfort of their surroundings. However, sometimes we need more assistance in managing stress and anxiety that has become overpowering in our lives. If you live with chronic stress and anxiety or trauma-related stress, we can help you find your way through to a more healthy state of being. Contact Joe Langheim LMHC, LPC, CTT to find out how we can assist you on your journey to a stress-free life.