Is Trauma a “Big Deal?”


To some people, this question has an easy answer. For others, it might be easy to skate over that answer and kind of shrug it off – because they might not really know about trauma or have much experience with it.

If you're someone who has suffered trauma in your life, you know that it is a big deal. But how do you get other people to realize that?

In therapy, you need someone with key knowledge about how trauma healing works. But you also need someone who understands that your problems are a big deal and that you need a way to communicate that to the world.

Much of the problem with certain types of trauma is that people feel unheard and alone as they struggle through the rest of their lives. Healing and resolution happen in a social context, to some extent – when you feel more confident that you can make others understand, you feel more able to work through trauma, work past it and change your life in positive ways. This kind of agency is critically important through long-term work on trauma and recovery. 

At Joe Langheim, we offer various modalities to help deal with trauma, but for everyone coming in the door, we start with the premise that this type of assistance is vitally important. We start from the standpoint that we are here to help our clients to overcome their struggles and rebuild things that are broken, in whatever form that may take. 

Part of this process is unlearning various things that have impacted our ability to live in a healthy way. Sadly, it's so easy for trauma to cloud our vision and distort our perceptions of reality. We learn unhealthy habits through the impact of trauma on our lives and then those things are hard to put aside later. Then there’s that need to be listened to, to feel the agency that you need to change. Solutions are multi-modal. There are strategies and techniques for healing, but there’s also the overall context of how you relate to others. 

The good news, though, is that we can unlearn these things and rebuild a positive life that works in a healthy way. That's what we are about at the office of Joe Langheim. We have the tools and resources to address the deep-seated trauma that has become a part of your life and help you to walk through to the other side.