Making it Through the Hard Times: Tips for Maintaining a Positive and Optimistic Mindset


Just turning on the news can have a huge impact on your mental health. It seems impossible to remain positive and optimistic. You likely have several sources of stress. For example, you may be concerned about losing a loved one, be stressed about financial issues, or worried about your child. You may also be concerned about your own health and feel a sense of helplessness or doom. Regardless of the exact feeling you are experiencing, there’s a good chance that optimism may feel more like a luxury than something you deserve. 

At the core, though, being positive and optimistic means that you overcome those negative, anxious feelings. Optimism doesn’t mean you “smile through the pain.” Instead, it means staying hopeful about the future, even if the present feels completely negative. 

Even though it can seem impossible, some tips can help you maintain a positive and optimistic mindset, even during troubling times. 

Address and Recognize the Negative Feelings You Have

Each feeling has a purpose, including the negative ones. Because of this, you should never ignore them. Your negative emotions let you know something is wrong. They also help to ensure you give the problem the attention it requires to solve it. 

Some negative emotions, such as doubt, fear, and anxiety, can be like an attention vacuum. They can narrow your mind and cause you to focus on certain details. This may be helpful in some situations, like determining fact from fiction. However, if your thoughts are overly negative, they can be unhelpful. The same is true for overly optimistic thoughts. 

You should not just ignore your negative emotions, regardless of if they are caused by changes in your life, trauma, or stress. Instead, recognize them and consider how you can address what is calling them. 

Actively Engage in Self-Compassion  

Practicing compassion toward yourself and others is essential in building resiliency. A key to this is to interrupt any recurring cycles of negative thoughts and inner dialogue. 

If you find that you are constantly cycling through all types of negative thoughts that don’t lead anywhere, you should take a step back to interrupt this cycle. This may include meditating and focusing on your breaths rather than your thoughts or changing your environment. It can also be as simple as having a chat with someone you trust to get a fresh perspective on things. 

Take Pleasure in the Small Things in Life 

What do you enjoy? Is it the three minutes you spend feeding your dogs in the evening? Or having your morning coffee on the porch? These are the things you should lean into. They will help distract you from bad news and negative thoughts. 

If you find that these negative thoughts are overtaking your mind, day after day, it is a good idea to speak to a professional. They can help provide a professional evaluation and ensure you get the treatment needed to help you overcome this often unbearable cycle.