Are You Suffering From CPTSD

The condition, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), has become relatively well known over the years. Many people think of war veterans, rape victims, or survivors of severely violent experiences when they hear the term. However, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a condition that is becoming more widely known and discussed. To understand the difference, let’s revisit the causes of symptoms of PTSD.

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Those experiencing PTSD often experience symptoms affecting their thinking and behavior. Intrusive thoughts and images can be very stressful for patients. In response to these intrusions, sufferers may alter their behavior by avoiding certain situations that remind them of the stressful event. Feelings of fear, self-blame, shame, and numbness are common amongst those affected. These symptoms are the brain’s reaction to a traumatic event. Although people often associate PTSD with war, it can affect anyone who has undergone an experience that they found to be significantly traumatic.

How CPTSD Differs

While PTSD usually refers to an isolated event that resulted in extreme stress and trauma, CPTSD is caused by continuous trauma over a more extended period. Patients also report additional symptoms than those associated with PTSD.


Along with PTSD symptoms of intrusive memories and avoidance of triggers, CPTSD patients experience difficulty regulating emotions, dissociation, negative perception of self, and difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. Those who have been in a long-standing relationship with an abuser may suffer from perceptual distortions of their abuser. Patients often feel they’ve lost their understanding of life’s meaning. Feeling hopeless and without faith is a familiar and stressful feeling for those experiencing CPTSD.


Long-term trauma, especially by a caregiver, seems to cause some to suffer from these painful thoughts and feelings. These traumatic experiences could include long-term abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), childhood neglect, or prolonged exposure to dangerous circumstances.


There are options for treating and managing the symptoms of CPTSD. Many find improvement of their feelings and thoughts with therapy, treatment, and/or medication. In therapy, patients can learn to notice their negative thought patterns and strategies for replacing them with healthy alternatives.

No matter how dark your past, I believe that you can heal. I have spent over ten years working with patients who have experienced traumatic events. Using traditional therapy along with gentle therapeutic modalities, I aim to help my patients discover their power and purpose. If you’ve experienced trauma and are suffering from symptoms of PTSD or CPTSD, contact me for a consultation.