How to Keep Your Stress in Check this Holiday Season


The holiday season is filled with presents, gatherings and tons of great food. However, this time of year can also be extremely stressful. A recent study found that over 88% of Americans claim that they feel extremely stressed during the holiday season. If you spend this entire holiday season stressed out, you will miss out on the fun and excitement is has to offer. 

Addressing the underlying causes of your stress and anxiety is only possible with the help of a mental health professional like Joe Langheim. He is a therapist that believes in treating the whole person, which means getting their spirit, mind and body healthy. 

If you are looking for ways to keep your stress in check during the holidays, check out the helpful information below. 

Find Some Time to Be Alone

While spending time with friends and family members during the holidays can be fun, it can also be a bit stressful and frustrating. In most cases, too much time around some of the people in your inner-circle can put you on edge. Instead of spending every waking moment of the holidays with other people, you need to schedule some alone time. By spending some time alone, you can decompress and relax. 

During this alone time, you may want to meditate or do some breathing exercises. Both of these practices can help put your mind at ease and lower the amount of stress in your life. 

Avoid Financial-Induced Stress With a Budget

Buying gifts for all of the people in your life can get expensive. Spending too much money on these gifts can lead to you getting stressed out. If you want to avoid this financial-induced stress, you need to create a budget before you start shopping and stick to it. You also need to be mindful about how much time you have to shop for and wrap the presents you plan on giving. 

Your stress levels will rise substantially if you procrastinate when it comes to getting these gifts. If you get an early stop on holiday shopping, you can get what you need before it is a madhouse in the stores in your area. 

Give Back By Volunteering

During the holidays, people get so wrapped up in the monetary side of giving. Rather than putting so much emphasis on material things during the holidays, you need to think about giving the gift of your time to charitable organizations in your area. 

Going in and volunteering at a soup kitchen or helping out during a toy drive can be a lot of fun. Volunteering also allows gives you an opportunity to focus on something other than the problems in your life. With some research, you can find charitable organizations in your area that need help during this time of year. 

Need Help Managing Your Stress and Anxiety?

Are you having problems getting your stress under control? Contact Joe Langheim Counseling to schedule an appointment today!