5 Action Verbs For Trauma Therapy

At Joe Langheim Therapy, we are carefully attuned to the individual's healing process and knowledgeable about how to help people change their mindsets and lives.

 Let's go over some helpful action verbs that you might use in describing that process of extending your will to change how you live and think.

 Kick the Blues

We heard this on a song the other day, and it's really an apt description of what you can do to promote self-healing. In addition to Reiki and breathwork modalities and other help for trauma, it's helpful to envision yourself being empowered in this way. It's a power verb that illustrates some of the results of careful mindfulness work to embrace the idea that you have power over your situation. 

 Shake Off Negativity

We talk about this elsewhere on the website: the idea that you shake off negative things hurting you and impeding your view of the truth, which is that healing can come to you. That "night and day" phenomenon and way of thinking are also prominent in some of our types of therapy. We come to you where you are and extend a helping hand. 

 Break On Through

You might be more familiar with this one through the work of Jim Morrison and the Doors, a band founded on a name that comes from an Aldous Huxley book called The Doors of Perception.

 The foundational idea here is that since time out of mind, people have been experimenting with psychedelics as a therapy modality and other ways to explore what the mind is capable of. And even without psychedelics, you can break through negative ideas using the power of your mind. 

Any number of hurtful "shibboleths" can be conquered with the power of positivity. Along with other tools, you can get yourself onto a more positive track. (We also discuss "finding your gear" as a helpful metaphor.)

 Reach Out!

This one is important in a community context. Despite what Simon and Garfunkel sing (and they sang it ironically), no one is an island. The point is that you often need other people to help you to improve and heal. Think about those relationships and how to use them to help yourself to heal. 

 Rise Up!

This is a very simple action or visual picture that helps you to think about empowerment in a very direct way. You're 'rising up' out of everything that drags you down – any rut you feel you are in or hurtful relationships that add toxic trauma to your life…

 We will also help with Reiki and breathwork, and other functional therapies for the mind/body connection that is so important in our lives. Connect with Joe Langheim and start today on the road to a more positive and supportive lifestyle.