Why Are We Here?

The age old question: What’s the meaning to life? Why are we here?

A wise man once defined God as a completed soul. No more, no less. A simple statement, yet profound.

But what does that mean? What is completion when it comes to life?

Have you ever found complete forgiveness with something? Maybe an imperfection you have or a mistake you made in your life? What happens when you forgive yourself for this mistake? You let it go. More importantly, you let go of the judgment.

Judgment is the opposite of forgiveness/completion. When we do forgive a part of ourselves, we stop the judgment. Because we are complete with the event or situation we no longer need to judge it.

Now image having complete forgiveness around everything and every event.

That is God. 

Therefore that simply means God CANNOT judge. It is impossible to judge when you have no attachment or pain. That is God. Complete forgiveness, complete love.

A pretty wonderful thought, huh?

Now we return to our original observation about the meaning of life. Life is a series of events and experiences; some positive, some negative. But these events teach us about ourselves. They teach us who we are, what we need, and our ultimate ability to overcome. The problem is many of these negative events in our lives are traumatic in nature. These events have an ability to change our perception of ourselves, the world, safety, love, and life. And these perceptions are negative in nature. So rather than learn our power to overcome, we see failure, weakness, and pain. These perceptions knock us off track to learn the truth about life and ourselves; how powerful we are as humans. The beauty of therapy offers us the ability to see the truth, find our true power, and come to forgiveness.

That is the meaning to life, to forgive. And by learning to forgive, we find completion. Completion does not change the past or event; it simply is a form of letting go of the pain and the story. As we forgive more and more in life, we come to completion. The more we complete, the closer we come to God.

And as we come closer to God we realize we are God in manifestation to discover the truth.

The point of life is to become God.