Some Thoughts On Mind And Body Work

When you're in the business of caring for people like we are, it's helpful to think about some of the ways that the mind and the body connect.

These are absolutely useful in a professional context, and also eliminate some of the intuitive ways that we think about how we live.

Mind Over Matter

It's over simplistic to say that you can mentally control your body, but there are certain types of guidance that can help you to reorder your responses and deal with past trauma or bad memories.

In fact, some of that is covered in the modern science that exists around different types of therapy modalities. People are finding that we have ways to heal the mind, some of which are connected to actual neuroscience.

The Body Response

We see, as well, that a lot of the results of PTSD or chronic stress are manifested in the body.

The body gets used to responding a certain way, and may respond that way frequently, in ways that are unhelpful to a person's progress! Sometimes those habitual responses are a flood of adrenal energy where it’s not needed and may manifest as panic or some other disorder. 

Then we use certain kinds of guiding treatment to change or correct that sort of process.

Real Care

One of the big misconceptions about some of these modalities is that they are just forms of meditation, or principles that are mostly academic.

In fact, a lot of these things, like Reiki for example, are made to work on the mind and the body in very specific and deliberate ways.

You can talk about replacing old habits with new ones, or how to re-contour your mental network. What you're often talking about is a process of channeling your energies correctly, and approaching new experiences and challenges with new types of responses that don't involve the “inflammation,” if you will, of traditional response.

What do we mean by this? When you have a situation where you respond to something in a negative way, your body may be trained to do that. So you look at how to start to slowly course correct and build new responses into your mental network as a whole.

Read more on the website about Joe Langheim’s office and how we help. By having a system of evaluation and diagnosis, and expertise in treatment, we can help you to build a plan, to change your life for the better. After all, that’s what it’s all about.