Anxiety Symptoms That Are Common Labeled as Personality Traits

Anxiety Symptoms That Are Common Labeled as Personality Traits.jpg

Did you realize that over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders? The main thing you have to do to adequately treat these disorders is properly diagnose them. In many cases, anxiety disorders will be labeled as other problems, which only prolongs the amount of time a person has to wait to get the right treatment.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to classify their anxious behavior is labeling at a personality trait. There are times when these disorders and personality overlap. Various quirks and idiosyncrasies can in fact be a person’s anxiety running amuck.

Read below to find out more about common anxiety symptoms that are mislabeled as personality traits.

Being Irritable is a Sign of Anxiety

Being on-edge, all of the time can be downright miserable. Not only will you feel bad for being irritated by the people around you, it can also affect your relationships in a negative way. Most people think that a person being irritable or crochety is just part of their personality. In reality, this is a textbook example of anxiety manifesting itself in a different way.

If you are feeling anxious, you are more likely to lash out due to the discomfort this causes. If your mind and body are telling you to be worried or stressed about certain things, you will have a hard time calming down. The moment you start to feel anxious, you need to focus on your breathing and concentrating on other things.

Taking your mind off of the source of your stress can help you snap out of an anxiety attack. Seeking out the help of a knowledgeable mental health professional is essential when trying to diagnose your anxiety disorder and figure out how to manage it.

Perfectionists are Motivated By Stress and Fear

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? If you answered yes, you need to take a step back and assess what motivates you to be a perfectionist. Often times, the answer to this question will be fear and stress. It is generally your anxiety that fuels the desire to do everything the right way.

Most people who are perfectionists feel like they are inadequate or unworthy of the advantages they have in life. Regardless of how perfect you perform a task; it will never be enough to get rid of your anxiety. The only way to get a handle on this problem is by working with a mental health professional.

Avoid Being a People-Pleaser

Another sign that a person has an anxiety disorder is the fact that they are a people-pleaser. This generally comes from a person’s need to feel accepted and loved. Anxiety disorders rob a person of their self-confidence, which is why they derive so much joy for doing things for everyone else. While there is nothing wrong with lending a helping hand, there are limitations you need to impose.

Get The Help You Need Now

Whether you are suffering from anxiety or PTSD, Joe Langheim is here to help you. He is a licensed mental health counselor and a certified trauma therapist. Contact him now for more information on the counseling he provides.