
I remember as a child being taught about miracles. The story of Jesus walking on water. He did the impossible and so it was a miracle. But He was the son of God, I was not. So I could not experience miracles, if I was lucky enough to experience one it was out of my control and it was one in a lifetime. So I was on my own living under the pressure of life without help from the universe. I was scared, vulnerable, and bound to fail.

Then my eyes were open a few years ago. My mentor taught me the truth. Miracles are the impossible happening, true. The impossible becoming possible. But that there were “degrees” of miracles. A change of thought. A different experience. Then I was taught that in spiritually there are no degrees. It is or is not. So if I experience a “little” miracle it is as important and valid as a “big” miracle. A change in thought was the SAME as walking on water.

My mentor asked me to look for three miracles within the week. A few days passes, I see nothing. And I am feeling down. Scared, depressed, lonely. I find myself at the gas station getting gas. I was so down and depressed. I felt hopeless. For whatever reason, I have this thought, “I would pay ANYTHING TO FEEL BETTER.” I go inside to pay, the woman behind the counter says, “how are you?” with a smile, nothing happens. I walk outside and I feel BETTER. There is a smile on my face. And I realize… MIRACLE. What seemed impossible, became possible. And my life opened like never before SLOWLY. I began to see more and more “little” miracles, and thank God. Because I couldn’t handle the idea of “big” miracles because I was caught up in being less than… being disconnected from God. Rejecting my godly self because I was scared. I was scared of being loved. I was scared of loving myself.

The more I experienced these little miracles knowing they were miracles, the more “big” miracles happened. It was about me. And that’s about it!

Now my job is literally about witnessing miracles! My life is about seeing and experiencing miracles! And the more I see. The MORE I want to give!

I get excited and want to share my excitement and joy. To me, that’s the point of life! It’s simple and yet so profound. I am grateful I was given what I needed, just at the right time. The more I see that, the more I can trust and allow. I no longer have to do it alone!


How To Change Negative Thoughts

I tell you simply “don’t think of the color red.” What do you do? I guarantee you just thought of the color red! In fact, the idea of NOT thinking of the color red is a failed experiment because you already did it! This sounds like a silly exercise but is actually quite profound.

We do this to ourselves ALL THE TIME. Many times in negative ways.

We force ourselves to feel different about the world, ourselves, relationships, our thoughts, our behaviors, even our bodies. We force ourselves to be happy when we are sad. We force ourselves to be comfortable when we are scared. We force ourselves to “get over” a death or loss of a job. We force ourselves to change.

Why? Why would we do this to ourselves?

We do it because we have learned it; we learned it through life in itself.

We have learned to tackle life by the way life has tackled us.

“Hurt” people will hurt people.

You cannot heal yourself or the world in this manner. You must break the insanity and do something different!

Stop the hurt with love, acceptance, and kindness.

When you make a mistake and someone supports you and helps you learn…

Do you grow? Do you feel more confident?

Of course you do! That is the trick!

Treat yourself with patience, kindness, and love. Treat the negative action, behavior, and/or thought with love.

However this does not mean you bury your head in the sand and keep up the negative behavior!

Loving something does not mean condoning it. It simply means holding space.

Show compassion towards yourself for making a mistake, recognize you want to change, and take the best action to get there!

Love your thoughts. You will love you. Because you are your thoughts!

See through the behavior; see through the thought. And do something different.