Four Unlikely Kinds Of Trauma

Here at the office of Joe Langheim, we deal with a lot of different kinds of patient problems. Trauma comes in many forms, and wears many faces. We have various modalities to help deal with trauma in a patient's life, but diagnosis is a critical step.


Here are some of the places where you might not expect trauma to come from. These situations, though, can be sources of personal trauma that go unnoticed for a long time.


Single Accidents


In the heat of the moment, people don't always work through their feelings when they are involved in an accident. That's true whether it's a car accident on the road, a boating accident in the water, or some other kind of traumatic happening.


Too often, they deal with the physical damage and then go on down the road. As the event recedes in their history and memory, they feel that everything is resolved, but they’ve never really worked through their feelings. Later they recognize that there is a great trauma there that was never attended to in the first place.


Interpersonal Relationships


Here, we’re not talking about clearly abusive relationships or harmful toxic people who wear this toxicity on their sleeve like a badge.


We’re talking about much more subtle interpersonal relationships where small traumas and aggressions manifest over time in ways that nobody really recognizes until much later.


Struggling with Regret


Sometimes the feelings that manifest or don't manifest are ones of regret, or wanting to have gone down a different road. Again, sometimes these don't surface for many years, but come up due to a variety of triggers or life changes or simply changes in brain chemistry itself.


Financial Pressure


This is a big one that we find a lot of patients struggling with, and like some of these other kinds of trauma, nobody ever really imagines that it happens to anyone else.


It's easy to see financial pressure solely as an economic and social thing, but it's a psychological factor as well. Anyone who has ever lived in poverty knows this intuitively. Others tend to forget!


What about when you have to treat chronic or abiding trauma?

Well, that's where we have various modalities including Reiki and various kinds of therapy that address the traumatic incidents and patterns that have evolved in your life. Sometimes people talk about a gradual buildup that they need some type of release from. Others are bringing very direct and evident symptoms to the table that they need to work with.

In all that, we promote a warm and welcoming ethos, and an inclusive and positive atmosphere for our patients. That's the basis and the groundwork for good therapy to work through the trauma that you've experienced as a person. Come to Joe Langheim for help