What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is a safe and powerful technique that enables a reduction in stress and the release of old thoughts and behavioral patterns. This allows for accelerated personal growth and ability to make creative positive decisions in life.
Breathwork has evolved from the work of the Rebirthing and Holotropic Communities. Yogic breathing has been practiced for thousands of years. Many spiritual masters have taught that conscious observation of the breath ultimately leads to self-knowledge, liberation, and enlightenment.
Restrictive breathing patterns support subconscious defense mechanisms to “stuff” unpleasant emotions. These unhealthy breathing patterns often result from attempts to cope with traumatic emotional or physical events dating back to childhood. Unexpressed feelings are repressed and stored in the body as chronic stress. Inevitably, these unexpressed emotions surface physically and/or emotionally as pain or maladaptive behavior. Since feelings are a form of energy, which cannot be destroyed, but can only change form, it provides us with an opportunity to transform this energy before it causes “dis - ease”.
This breathing technique ultimately leads to a powerful experience of creating our lives consciously, instead of being the result of seemingly random thoughts and events.